Myrick Center Native Gardens
The Myrick Center Native Gardens include native plantings along the building walkways, a large rain garden and pollinator garden, and the retention basin located between the parking lot and the marsh. The Bluff Country Master Gardeners initiated and have taken the lead on this project in conjunction with the City of La Crosse Parks Dept. The gardens are maintained with the assistance of members of Wild Ones, WisCorps, and interested friends of Myrick Park.
The gardens are located at the Myrick Center at 789 Myrick Park Dr., La Crosse, WI 54601
The Myrick Center Native Landscaping project has the following goals and objectives:
- Provide a beautiful native landscape setting for the enjoyment of all visitors to Myrick Center and the La Crosse River Marsh.
- Provide a habitat for pollinators, birds and other wildlife.
- Use plants to absorb and filter water.
- Educate about native plants and their importance in preserving land, pollinators and wildlife.
- Maximize native plant diversity of the gardens.

Interested in learning more about the plants or interested in helping? Volunteers are welcome to assist in planting, maintenance, planning, research, photography, observation, and development of educational materials.
Interested volunteers should Contact Betty Kruck for day and time of volunteering or other questions at 608-689-2222,